Vaginal dryness

A study showed the result that every second woman over 45 suffers from Vaginal dryness

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… a problem that affects every second women over 45, but also younger women.

During the menopausal period dryness of the intimate area – both inside (in the vagina) and outside (on the vulva) – is caused by decreasing production of female sex hormones (particularly oestrogen). Less vaginal fluid is produced inside the vagina and the skin becomes thinner and more prone to injury. These are perfectly normal changes but they may cause considerable discomfort.

The discomfort of vaginal dryness is also familiar to younger women, for example after uterine or ovarian surgery, during pregnancy and when breastfeeding or taking the pill. Vaginal dryness may also occur as a side effect of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or medication to treat breast cancer.

The discomfort caused by vaginal dryness can have a very negative impact on your quality of life. The feeling of dryness is often accompanied by other symptoms such as itching, burning and pain around the vagina, the entrance to the vagina and the vulva, which can often make sexual intercourse painful.

Vaginal creams or pessaries containing hormones are often used to relieve the discomfort of vaginal dryness. For women who cannot or do not want to use hormones, hormone-free preparations are an alternative (e.g. Vagisan Moisturising Cream or Vagisan Moisturising Cremolum)