Discomfort in the external intimate area
Healthy skin can adjust to stress due to washing, detergents, friction, etc. by reconstructing the protective acid mantle, but it needs time to do this. The skin cannot regenerate itself quickly enough, however, to cope with continuous disturbance to, or permanent destruction of its protective acid mantle, and often responds by becoming irritated (manifested as redness, itching, burning). A long-term disruption of the acid protective mantle can occur, for example, when hygiene products that remove fat from the skin and destroy the skin’s acid protective mantle are used to clean the external intimate area. Pathogens can more easily colonise and spread on skin that has been damaged by such hygiene products, and may also enter the vagina.
It is therefore important that for your intimate hygiene you only use warm water or a mild intimate wash lotion that does not strip lipids from the skin and is adapted to the pH of the area, e. g. Vagisan Intimate Wash Lotion.
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