FAQ - Vagisan Lactic Acid

If you have any other questions, send us an e-mail.

Insert one pessary deep in the vagina every evening before going to bed. It is advisable to wear a panty liner due to the high solubility of the pessaries, which can cause an increased watery discharge. The product should be used for a period of 5–7 days. If needed, Vagisan Lactic Acid can also be used two to three times a week for a longer period.

If you frequently suffer from yeast infections, we recommend the preventative use of probiotics instead (see table, section “Service”, under ‘Possible preventive measures’)

To prevent recurrent vaginal infections (yeast as well as bacterial vaginal infections), a product containing probiotics should be considered in the first instance, especially if your gynaecologist determines an imbalance in the normal vaginal flora.

In case of a bacterial vaginal infection with a ‘fishy’ smelling discharge that starts up again and again, especially after intercourse or menstruation, Vagisan Lactic Acid can help keep the vaginal environment in the acidic range.

Yes. Use during pregnancy is possible. Please consult your doctor.

No incompatibility with condoms has been reported for Lactic Acid. However, our products are tested regularly and more recent test results based on stricter safety standards have led to the conclusion that complete compatibility with condoms may not be guaranteed. We therefore recommend not using Vagisan Lactic Acid with condoms in the future.

It is not beneficial to use Vagisan Lactic Acid during your period. Start using Vagisan Lactic Acid after your period has ended or, if you already started using it, temporarily discontinue use and start again after the end of your period.