Vagisan Moisturising Cremolum
- How does Vagisan MoistCream Cremolum work?
- Does Vagisan MoistCream Cremolum contain preservatives, fragrances and colourings?
- How often should I use Vagisan MoistCream Cremolum?
- Where can I buy Vagisan MoistCream Cremolum?
- Can I use Vagisan Vagisan MoistCream Cremolum during pregnancy?
- Can I use Vagisan Vagisan MoistCream Cremolum before intimate intercourse (safety of condoms)?
- My partner and I want to have children. Can I use Vagisan Vagisan MoistCream Cremolum?
- I am in the menopause and suffer very much from vaginal dryness. How long do I have to use Vagisan MoistCream Cremolum before the symptoms disappear completely?
- I have breast cancer and have to take anti-hormone medication because of it. Since then, the skin in my genital area has been very dry. Can I take Vagisan MoistCream Cremolum?
- Is Vagisan MoistCream Cremolumalso suitable for young women? I am 20 years old.